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Competition information is available because of WSDDCA memberships. 
Thank you to member coaches and sponsors for making this service available.



Registration Link for Audio Feedback from Judges
Register your email address with the WSDDJA.
This is necessary to receive your audio feedback from the judges
Audio FAQs linked here

Judges Audio Feedback



NEW Centralized Wait List.  Click here to be added to the waitlist for all competitions.
As outlined in the January 2024 email, WSDDCA will maintain a single centralized waiting list for any routines that don’t get into competitions. This list will be visible to all and, should additional panels become available, will inform who gets those panels. This will prevent teams from having routines on waiting lists at multiple schools, which has been stressful for both teams and hosts in past years.  Click here to VIEW the waitlist.




Judging panels will be limited to 26 performances per panel for the 2024-25 season.  

Panel Limits



Coaches are encouraged to provide constructive, appropriate feedback (both positive and negative) to the Judges Association about scoresheets and audio. The purpose of feedback is to help judges improve their skills. The feedback should be the same type of constructive criticism you would give to one of your students.  

Feedback for our Judges

WSDDJA Feedback Survey QR CODE.png



Please be mindful of our Competition Etiquette. Many competitions have been cancelled in the past due to teams pulling out unnecessarily. This impacts hosting teams fundraising efforts and puts a strain on later competitions as everyone vies for openings. Please be respectful & courteous of our fellow coaches.


Announcer Form




Announcer Form link here.
Please submit one form for each routine. Forms will be time-stamped so competition directors will know the most current entry. Please plan to submit forms one month before your competition.



As voted upon during the Spring 2024 General Membership Meeting, we will be utilizing a new scoresheet & rubric based on the NDCA form.

Found here

NEW Scoresheet & Rubric

We're experiencing technical difficulties with our Competition Schedule.

Click here for Competition Results.

Click here for a Schedule of Events

Competition registrations go live on September 6th for November & December competitions

January & February competition registrations go live November 2nd.

Pending membership dues and registration links have been received.

This site is paid for by WSDDCA members

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