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Blank Proposal/Recommendation Form


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Information from the Constitution and By-laws about Proposals


Any WSDDCA member in good standing may submit proposals for consideration by the membership. All proposals must have at least three member sponsors. The Executive Directors do not create proposals or new rules/regulations. However, they can help you with your proposals. If you want to change rules by-laws, procedures, etc., but you aren't really sure where to start, please contact the Executive Directors; we can help you figure it out. They can also help you ensure that the wording of your proposal matches your intentions.


Members submitting proposals will be responsible for presenting them at the membership meeting. If a sponsor cannot attend, they should arrange for someone to present the proposal who both understands and supports it.


Proposals will be submitted on the standardized Proposal Form (available on the WSDDCA website) to the Executive Director at least two weeks prior to the Fall/Spring Conference.

Proposals for changes to WIAA SOPs and/or proposals that would significantly impact teams must be submitted at the WSDDCA Fall Membership Meeting.  
This has included items such as:  routine length, category descriptions, and score sheet changes.


Any other proposal that requires WIAA/WSDDJA input before implementation must also be presented at the Fall Membership Meeting. The viability and desirability of a proposal will be discussed at the Fall Membership Meeting.  Changes to the proposal may be made at this time.  The purpose of the vote is to determine if the WSDDCA should pursue implementing the proposal.

Following the WSDDCA Fall Membership Meeting, tentatively approved proposals will be sent to the WIAA and the WSDDJA Executive Board for their input and tentative approval.  If necessary, proposals may be revised to reflect suggestions made by the WIAA/WSDDJA Executive Board.  

Proposals may also be deemed not viable at this time.


After review by the WIAA/WSDDJA, viable proposals will be presented to Members at the Spring Membership Meeting for a vote. Finalized proposals would be submitted to the WIAA Executive Board for final approval. Approved changes would be implemented the following season. The Executive Board may form a joint WSDDCA/WSDDJA committee to review proposals after the first year of implementation in order to review the implementation of the proposal.  

This committee could make minor alterations to the proposal.  This committee would be open to any member of the WSDDCA. Any proposal that falls into this category would be implemented for 3 years before a significant change could be made.

If the Executive Director is not sure if the proposal would be considered “significant” as stated in B.1, she will contact members of the Executive Board for their input.


Proposals that would not be part of the WIAA SOPs and/or do not require WIAA/WSDDJA input may be presented and voted on at the Fall or Spring Membership meetings.  

This has included items such as: Competition Scheduling Procedures, Nomination Process for Coach of the Year, and Clarification of Job Descriptions.  These can be voted on an implemented immediately.


Proposals that would not be a part of the WIAA SOPs become a part of the WSDDCA Constitution and By-laws.


This site is paid for by WSDDCA members

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